SAP | The Adventures of a Techie Unicorn

Live Star entertainment, a recurring collaborator of Bubba’s, came to us with a seemingly standard project — an animated explainer video. After diving deeper we found that they didn’t want just any ole explainer video, but one that would flip the typical explainer on its head. The client, SAP, was looking to shake things up and engage with a different audience. Proof of that? The creative direction was inspired by the viral video “Doc Ellis and the LSD No-No”. Now, that’s our kind of explainer! 

We started the process by making style frames and then translating them to an animatic. Once we got the green light for animation, we got to work. In addition to design, illustration, and animation, we also provided sound design. Our goal was to create a video that would not only make you do a double take but sit down and pay attention. I mean, it’s not everyday you see a punk rock unicorn hurl its horn through the air like a spear while breaking down the ins and outs of SAP Cloud ERP software.


Techie Unicorn




Design, Illustration, Animation, Sound Design